3-1: Calendar of Duties

The activities of the board should follow the calendar of duties described in Appendix F. This table describes the activity, responsible party and deadline. The District President should use this table as a checklist to ensure that duties are performed before the designated deadlines.

3-2: President

Term: 1 year

The President shall preside over the District Board in the management of the District affairs in conformity with provisions of the District Charter, District By-laws and the policies of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. As the highest office in the District, the President must provide motivation and direction to the members for the achievement of the goals of the District. A summary of the duties of the President are listed below:

  1. Presides over the District Board in the management of the District affairs in accordance with District Charter, Bylaws, policies, and the ITE Constitution
  2. Presides over business meetings using Robert's Rules of Order
  3. Presides over other District functions, such as the kick-off luncheon and banquets
  4. Demonstrates leadership over the District Organization
  5. Provides motivation and direction to officers and members
  6. Serves as principal liaison with all other groups of ITE and other professional organizations
  7. Prepares agendas for District Board meetings
  8. Prepares a President’s report for each TexITE newsletter
  9. Appoints Nominations Committee
  10. Appoints Membership Committee
  11. Appoints Audit committee
  12. Appoints Tellers Committee
  13. Appoints Committees and Committee Chairs
  14. Signs contracts
  15. Signs awards and certificates

3-3: Vice President/President Elect

Term: 1 year

The Vice President is charged with the responsibility of the technical activities of the District, including serving as an ex-officio member of the Technical Committee and planning the technical programs of the District summer and winter Meetings. The duties of the Vice President are listed below:

  1. Responsible for technical program for District 9 Meetings
    1. Arranges and administers District 9 Meeting Technical Program
    2. Selects speakers and moderators
    3. Coordinates audio/visual needs for speakers
    4. Responsible for writing letters of appreciation to technical session participants
  2. Stands ready to serve the office of Presidency if necessary
  3. Attends District Board meetings and District business meetings
  4. Reads and becomes familiar with the District Bylaws and Charters
  5. Assists Local Arrangements Committee with Meeting Details
  6. Selects speaker for District Meeting Luncheon in conjunction with Local Arrangements Committee (LAC)
  7. Approves complimentary event tickets

Transfer of Duties in January The primary responsibility of the Vice President is to develop and coordinate the technical program for two District Meetings. When officer terms end in December of each year, the technical program duties will be transferred to the new Vice President to oversee and manage at the winter Meeting. The Vice-President should make every effort to complete the technical program, speakers and moderators prior to December 31st.

3-4: Secretary-Treasurer

Term: 1 year

The Secretary-Treasurer is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the budget, documenting meeting business and administrating officer elections. The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer are listed below:

  1. Attends District Board meetings and District business meetings
  2. Responsible for preparing meeting minutes for District Board meeting and District business meetings
  3. Prepares budget for District review and approval
  4. Reads and becomes familiar with the District Bylaws and Charters
  5. Responsible for financial activities of the District
  6. Prepares and maintains annual budget for District Board discussion and approval
  7. Assists District Administrator with Treasurer’s Report and record keeping
  8. Updates ITE Headquarters on current officers, meeting dates and annual dues
  9. Solicits cities to host District meetings
  10. Administers elections
  11. Assists with updating the District Policy Manual

Transfer of Duties in January When the officer terms end in December of each year, the technical program duties will be transferred to the new-term Vice President to oversee and manage at the winter Meeting. If the outgoing Secretary-Treasurer is elected Vice-President, he or she should stand ready to carry out the technical program beginning in January. Likewise, the outgoing Secretary-Treasurer will be responsible for preparing the minutes from the summer business meeting with the in-coming Secretary-Treasurer actually performing the necessary distribution and reporting of the minutes and budgetary items at the winter meeting.

Meeting Minutes of the District Board The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for preparing meeting minutes. It is important to document information that is vital to future actions or decisions made during the meeting. Information already included in a written report should not be repeated in the minutes but referred to as an attachment.

The purpose of the meeting minutes is to document the following:

  1. Persons attending the meeting
  2. Location and date(s) of the meeting
  3. Line item budget changes
  4. Policy changes
  5. Assigned tasks
  6. Approvals and tasks assigned to LAC related to District meetings
  7. Written report attachments

Meeting Minutes of District Business Meetings The Secretary-Treasurer is also responsible for documenting business at the business meeting. Minutes are not taken at the kick-off luncheon. It is best to format the meetings minutes using the agenda items as a reference. It is vital to document the following at each meeting:

Winter Business Meeting Minutes

  1. Time meeting started
  2. Additions, deletions or changes to meeting minutes
  3. Motions and approval of meeting minutes
  4. Motions and approval of resolutions
  5. Names of persons receiving awards
  6. Name of City selected to host District meeting 18 months out
  7. Audit Committee Report
  8. Attendance numbers announced by LAC
  9. Time meeting ended
  10. Attach all handouts

Summer Business Meeting Minutes

  1. Time meeting started
  2. Additions, deletions or changes to meeting minutes
  3. Motions and approval of meeting minutes
  4. Motions and approval of resolutions
  5. Motions and approval of audit reports
  6. Names of persons receiving awards (the President should announce awards given at Kick Off Luncheon to document recipients in business meeting minutes)
  7. Name of city selected host the District meeting 18 months out
  8. Attendance numbers announced by LAC
  9. Tellers Report
  10. Motions and approval of elections ballot results
  11. Motions and approval to destroy ballots
  12. Names of Elected Officers (required by banks to approve account signatories)
  13. Time meeting ended
  14. Attach all handouts

3-5: Immediate Past President

Term: 1 year

The Immediate Past President remains on the District Board to provide guidance and advise Board members on the history of Board actions, policies and procedures. The duties of the Past President are listed below:

  1. Attends District Board meetings and District business meetings
  2. Updates District Policy Manual at end of term
  3. Prepares short biography for the official District history and forwards to Historian
  4. Prepares a summary of significant activities or events that occurred during his or her term as President and forwards to the Historian

3-6: International Director

Term: 3 years

The International Director is the liaison between the District and the International Board of Direction. The International Director is a member of the International Board of Direction and attends several meetings each year at the ITE Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The duties of the International Director are listed below:

  1. Serves as a member of the International Board of Direction
  2. Attends the following meetings:
    1. International Board of Direction meetings
    2. Annual International ITE meeting
    3. District Board meetings
    4. District business meetings
  3. Acts as liaison between ITE Headquarters and District
  4. Prepares written reports to the District 9 Board summarizing ITE Board of Direction discussions or policy changes that are of interest to District 9
  5. Prepares "International Director’s Report" for the TexITE Newsletter

Qualifications The International Director must be an International Member or Fellow in good standing and have significant history with and knowledge of the ITE organization, policies, procedures, Bylaws and Charters. Typically, International Directors have served as officers at the District and Section levels and have served on various statewide and international committees.

3-7: Section Representative

Term: 2 years

The Section Representative serves as the principal liaison between the Section and the District in ITE affairs and should assure that the Section's position on ITE issues is adequately voiced. The duties of the Section Representative are summarized below:

  1. Attends District Board meetings and District business meetings
  2. Reads and becomes familiar with the District Bylaws and Charter
  3. Acts as liaison between the District and Section
  4. Submits Section Activity Reports to the Board prior to District business meetings

Qualifications The Section Representative must be an International member in good standing and reside within the designated area of the section. Section Representatives are determined by majority vote of their respective section. The District Board should encourage Sections to nominate members that have leadership experience at the local chapter or section levels. Members with such experience will more effectively represent the needs of his or her section. Selecting past officers or experienced organization leaders from the Section also expands the list of possible future candidates for District officer positions.

3-8: District Administrator

Term: 1 year with no limit on consecutive terms

The District Administrator is appointed by the President and performs the clerical duties for the organization. The District Board may at its discretion budget funds to reimburse the District Administrator for labor hours related to performing the duties defined below. The annual District Budget shall reflect the hourly rates and maximum amount paid. The duties of the District Administrator are summarized below:

  1. Administers funds for expenses approved by the District Board
  2. Prepares Treasurer’s Report for the Secretary-Treasurer
  3. Maintains post office box and collects mail
  4. Transports paper ballots sent to District post office box to the summer District business meeting
  5. Oversees all bank accounts
  6. Updates authorized signatures for bank accounts
  7. Mails invoices to District Affiliates
  8. Reviews membership roster for outstanding dues and sends notifications when dues are outstanding
  9. Attends all District Board meetings
  10. Fabricates Award Certificates for Student Chapters

Qualifications The District Administrator must be an International member in good standing. Members appointed to this position should be proficient with computer spreadsheet and word processing programs and preferably have knowledge of basic accounting practices.

Estimated Hours This position will require 5-10 hours per month making payments and preparing reports. During the months of January, April, June and October the number of hours increase to 15 hours on average.

3-9: Roster Manager

Term: 1 year with no limit on consecutive terms

The roster manager is responsible for managing a database of member names, contact information and standing of membership dues. The duties of the Roster Manager of listed below:

  1. Maintains a database program on membership dues and contact information
  2. Prepares printable roster and forwards to Webmaster for "Members Only" access
  3. Updates membership levels and dues status from ITE Headquarters.
  4. Updates member information received from District Website
  5. Prepares mailing labels for elections or as requested by the District Board
  6. Prepares reports for District Board on membership statistics
  7. Reviews list of members with outstanding dues
  8. Sends membership standings to Webmaster to program appropriate web access to "members only" web pages.

Qualifications The Roster Manager must be an International Member in good standing and must have working knowledge and experience using Microsoft-Access or similar database management programs.

Estimated Hours This position will spend approximately 20 hours per month making updating the database and preparing reports.

3-10: Newsletter Editor

Term: 1 year with no limit on consecutive terms

The Newsletter Editor is responsible for producing three Newsletter publications each year. The duties of the Newsletter Editor are listed below:

  1. Solicits, reviews and edits technical articles for the newsletter
  2. Edits the content of articles, announcements and reports
  3. Forwards draft newsletter to President for review and approval
  4. Coordinates production
  5. Forwards publications to Webmaster to post on the Website
  6. Forwards publications to Historian to archive
  7. Distributes hardcopy newsletters to members without Internet access

Qualifications The Newsletter Editor must be an International member in good standing and be proficient with computer word processing programs and publishing practices.

Estimated Hours This will spend ___hours per month making soliciting information and coordinating the publication. During the months that publications go to print, these hours may increase to ___ hours per month.

3-11: Webmaster

Term: 1 year with no limit on consecutive terms

The Webmaster shall oversee the development and maintenance of all website pages and interactive programs. The District Board may at its discretion budget funds to reimburse the Webmaster for labor related to performing the duties defined below. The hourly rates and total amount paid per year are not to exceed the amount set in the annual District Budget. The duties of the Webmaster are listed below:

  1. Selects the preferred Internet Service Provider to provide efficient navigation for users
  2. Coordinates with the District Board to determine information and services required
  3. Coordinates with the TexITE Newsletter Editor to post editions of the newsletter
  4. Coordinates with Roster Manager to post the membership roster and forwards updates entered by members
  5. Coordinates with Section Webmasters to provide linkages
  6. Coordinates with the Highway Products Group and Consultants Council to provide linkages, member information and advertisements
  7. Coordinates with the District meeting Local Arrangements Committee to develop, accept, and distribute meeting registration information
  8. Develops web page to display and collect votes on-line
  9. Develops web pages to collect on-line surveys as directed by the District Board
  10. Coordinates with the District Administrator and District Board regarding the collection of meeting registration fees, printable rosters fees, Local District Affiliates "LDA" membership dues and other fees deemed appropriate by the District Board
  11. Prepares written report to the District Board on status of website

Qualifications Must be proficient in building and maintaining dynamic web pages and credit card acceptance. Although contractor(s) may perform some or all of the work, the Webmaster shall be primary overseer of such contracts.

Estimated Hours This position spends approximately 20 hours per month updating the Website and developing on-line services. The current Webmaster should track hours to determine typical work hours per month. This can be used to estimate costs should a contractor be hired to perform website development.

3-12: Historian

Term: 1 year with no limit on consecutive terms

The District shall record and store significant events, papers, photos and other documents about TexITE issues in a central location. The District President may appoint a member as the Historian to oversee these records and solicit information for the files. The duties of the historian are listed below:

  1. Maintains records of District organization and events
  2. Collects Past President Biographies
  3. Collects summary of annual events written by Past President
  4. Collects missing historical documents
  5. Periodically records interviews with prominent members for historical record
  6. Prepares and presents historical records to membership

Qualifications Must be a District member in good standing.

Location of Historical Files Each year the Historian shall provide a written statement to the District Board stating the location of paper and electronic records and authorize access to these files.

3-13: Student Chapter Liaison

Term: 1 year with no limit on consecutive terms

The Student Chapter Liaison is responsible for coordinating student participation at all levels in the ITE organization and should encourage support and mentoring by the District members. The duties of the Student Chapter Liaison are listed below:

  1. Acts as primary liaison between the District Board, University Faculty Advisor and Student Chapters
  2. Coordinates student paper presentations for District meetings
  3. Coordinates submission of written student chapter reports to the District and ITE
  4. Chairs Student Paper Award Committee and solicits and collects student papers to review and select for international competition
  5. Coordinates the selection of the Outstanding Student Award with each Student Chapter Faculty Advisor
  6. Solicits rosters to determine the district-wide contribution to the student chapter
  7. Notifies students of fellowships applications offered by International ITE and District 9